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Ashtanga Yoga Valencia

Ashtanga Yoga can be practiced by anyone. I have developed a three-level teaching system that allows anyone to practice Ashtanga Yoga in its traditional form, but also to adapt the practice to his or her needs. En las clases para principiantes enseño partes de la Primera Serie de Ashtanga Yoga con elementos de Hatha Yoga. De esta manera, las personas con limitaciones físicas cómo problemas de columna, lesiones de rodilla o falta de elasticidad y flexibilidad pueden aprender gradualmente la primera serie y desarrollar su propia práctica.

In the beginners classes I teach on the basis of the First Series a mixture of Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga. This way, also people with physical limitations such as spinal problems, knee injuries or lack of elasticity and flexibility can gradually learn the 1st Series and develop their own practice.


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